
Thank You! by Marc Hughes


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Thank You!

Thank you to everyone who came out to our first sake tasting at Tengu last month! It was a lot of fun and it was great drinking and learning with all of you. If you didn't make it out, we're planning another one for April 2nd (not a joke) that focuses on sakes from other American breweries. The first featured brewery is Cedar River Brewing Company in Ballard, WA. We had the opportunity to visit the brewery a few years ago, and it is truly some fantastic sake. We can't wait to share it with you.

As for our sake, it is being ferociously worked on right now. We are hoping to have the Queen City of the Plains and El Colorado on the market by May.

We are also in the process of updating our website, so please pardon our mess while we clean it up.

Cut of Your Jib Sake Beer Grandma's House is kegging the beer this week and it should be on tap later on this month...and coming to a local pub, tavern, bar, etc. near you soon!